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FGC Accounting and Computer Solutions, Inc.


All you need to process,  review,  audit and built your accounting solution.  The Quality is our goal and the experience our asset,  our customers are our Friends and the Sky is the limit.

Technology,  accounting and software development joined to really satisfy our customers needs.

We prepares tax forms,  full accounting procedures,  audited financial statements, computer and accounting software support and more.

Our Mission

Build the complete Solution for our customers, first hearing his needs then analyzing and deploying the best and cost effective accounting solution. Finally we continue helping you to increase your revenues,  minimize costs. Really in FGC Accounting and Computer Solutions, Inc. we are "The Strategy Solution Group"...


Company Profile

Ferdinand Ortiz Cabrera (Chief Accounting/President) :  With over 20 years experience in the accounting environment he brings our company the best asset and the primary key on the success of our mission. His knowledge in the accounting cycle, audit works, accounting software knowledge (Peactree©, Mas90©, Quickbooks©, etc.) are available to our customers and brings us the most powerful tools on this market. 

We also have a great joined companies supporting and working in conjunction with us to brings our customers from simple accounting to complex CPA audited Financial Statements.

Contact Information

Is a pleasure to hear you and we invites to call us or write us via e-mail:

Ferdinand Ortiz:

Telephone :(787) 209-7114  Fax: (787) 869-3017

Postal address
              NARANJITO PUERTO RICO 00719-9610
Electronic mail
General Information: info@fgcaccounting.com
Sales: sales@fgcaccounting.com
Customer Support: techsupport@fgcaccounting.com
Webmaster: webmaster@fgcaccounting.com


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Copyright © 2004 FGC Accounting and Computer Solutions, Inc.
Last modified: 10/19/04